HiBy R4 EVA 固件
HiBy_R4_EVA_1.40_20241225-1523 固件
HiBy_R4_EVA_1.40_20241225-1523 固件
- 优化开机时间;
- 优化蓝牙自动断开的问题;
- 优化低温导致显示屏显示异常的问题;
- 修复其它若干BUG。
- Optimized the boot time;
- Optimized the problem of automatic Bluetooth disconnection;
- Optimized the problem of abnormal display caused by low temperature;
- Fixed several other bugs.
HiBy_R4_EVA_1.10_20240907-1911 固件
HiBy_R4_EVA_1.10_20240907-1911 固件
- 增加锁屏界面解锁动画;
- EVA 联名 UI 细节优化; a. 优化导航栏指示器颜色; b. 适配顶部耳机图标; c. 优化充电界面; d. 优化关于界面;
- 修复其它若干 BUG.
- Added unlock animation on the lock screen interface;
- Optimized UI details; a. Optimized the navigation bar indicator color; b. Adapted the top headphone icon; c. Optimized the charging interface; d. Optimized the "About" interface;
- Fixed several other bugs.
HiBy_R4_EVA_1.00_20240903-1706 固件
HiBy_R4_EVA_1.00_20240903-1706 固件